Will He Not Give Anything

Will He Not Give Anything?

“He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?” Romans 8:32 NIV 

This quote is from a devotional I recently went through by Ann Voskamp “The Greatest Gift.” This quote stopped me dead in my tracks and forced me to ask myself that question… God gave His only Son for me… would He not give me anything and everything else that I need? 

It seems easy for me to accept and believe the fact that Jesus died for me. That God gave His one and only Son for me. But why is it so hard for me to accept and believe that He will give me peace when I am in a storm, direction when I feel lost, provision when the numbers don’t add up, comfort in the midst of discouragement and disappointment? Anything and everything I need, He will not withhold from me…or you. 

I don’t know if this New Year season maybe you are in a storm, or you are sad, discouraged, lonely or maybe you just feel like your heart has hardened a little this past year from hurt or disappointment. Maybe you have been crying out to God to return to you the joy of your salvation, to lift the burdens that seems so heavy, to heal the places that hurt so bad, to make sense of the disappointment that you don’t understand…Can I encourage you to remember Jesus. Even now… even in the midst of all of that you may be walking through. 

Remember that Jesus was God’s only Son that He gave to you and me because of His great love for us. He already gave us the greatest and most incredible gift there is to give. Trust Him. Rest in Him this season and know that there isn’t anything that you need that He will not provide for you. Not because of anything that we have done to deserve it, but because of who He is that gives it. 

-Ashley McClain 

Ashley McClain is a Wife to Bobby, Mom to Charlie, HR Generalist for the Christian Television Network and a lover of coffee, good books and spending time with her family.

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Ashley McClain

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