Hands of Compassion
CTN’s Outreach Arm of Ministry Into Local Communities:
For over 25 years the Christian Television Network has helped support families in financial crisis in our community. What was known as The Love Basket began as an extension of CTN’s prayer line. As families called in for prayer, often a financial need was brought up and was at times able to be met. The Love Basket developed into its own ministry and has now transitioned into being known as Hands of Compassion Outreach.
Hands of Compassion Outreach is now an extension of Christian Television Network across the country as our 24 local stations partner with non-profits and seek to bring transformation and help to those in need in local communities.

We are always looking for volunteers.
Whether it’s covering phone calls for the Prayer Line or a Telethon, or filing papers, we have a variety of work that needs to be done. Just let us know what areas interest you in the box below.
We look forward to hearing from you!
“If one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it. Now you are the body of Christ and members individually.”
1Cor 12:26-27
Hands of Compassion
please call the
Director of Prayer and Benevolence
Judy Dube
at: 727-535-5622