I wanted to share this praise report with you and Gary.

Yesterday I was talking on the phone with a guy I walked through restoration about 2 years ago. He brought up heaven and hell and I could tell there were some things weighing heavy on his heart. I told him I wanted him to watch a video.

After I got off the phone, I texted him the link to Episode 4. Three hours later he called me and said he watched ALL four episodes and it rocked him so bad, he went to see his pastor immediately afterwards and rededicated his life to Christ!!

– Jon Klover

​Thanks for such a wonderful wake up call series!!! 

I know that people will watch these videos and it will change their lives and follow Jesus. I am so thankful that you are reaching the lost for Jesus and using this ministry in a mighty way. I am honored and proud to be a part of that.

-Sue Cushman

I want you to know that I’m thankful to God for you and His plan to include me in Blink. My wife sent Episode 4 to her sister and she wants to know Christ. Thank God. Thank you and Thank the faithful to share God’s warning!

– Gary Greenlee

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