She Didn't Stop Praying Blog

She Didn’t Stop Praying

She Didn’t Stop Praying

She was nervous about being a guest on Bridges, but agreed to share her story with the hope that it would encourage other Moms.

Mary’s “mom” story is filled with prayers and adversity.  While she prayed for a happy, faith-filled family, her oldest son struggled with depression and anxiety. Despite their loving, supportive family Blake felt like an outcast. Sadly, by his teen years he regarded himself a lost cause.

This didn’t stop Mary from praying. They got Blake into counseling, took him to church regularly, and prayed relentlessly. Even with these diligent efforts life grew darker for Blake and his family.

He Overdosed More than Once

Blake turned to alcohol and drugs to cope. He overdosed more than once. He was hospitalized several times and arrested in high school. Despite near fatal accidents, and various health issues, Blake just couldn’t stay clean. He would do okay for a while and then relapse.

As I sat with Mary on the Bridges set, I learned many lessons. I saw a gracious mom that never stopped praying. She admits she didn’t always know what or how to pray – but she just knew she couldn’t afford to stop praying. There was also a point in our conversation where I saw her faith and frailty come together in a way that can only be described as supernatural. Without pretense, Mary shared there came a time in her son’s journey that she made God a serious promise.  She promised God – even if my son doesn’t make it – even if my prayers aren’t answered in the way I want – I don’t want any of this story to be wasted.

That’s quite a prayer of surrender – and it’s beyond what any of us can do on our own. While every mom’s story is different – one of the most sacred things we can do is surrender our lives – and the lives of our children to Him. We surrender to Him by faith in His Word, by faith in His goodness – and by faith knowing His ways that are higher than our own.

Nothing More Could Be Done

Even after Mary prayed this very brave prayer the battle continued to rage. There came a point that Mary and her family realized they had done all they could possibly do. At this point Blakes parents had to ask him to leave their family home.

It was only after Blake was asked to leave the family home that he decided to seek treatment. Blake reached out to Derek Faulker, Director of Renewed Life Ministry Outreach and was granted admission. RLMO is a Christian residential program for men. Blake recommitted his life to Christ and found freedom and learned a new way of life at RLMO.

Thankfully, God answered Mary’s fervent prayers with miracles.  Blake has been clean and sober for 8 years. Before Derek Faulker passed away, he selected Blake as his predecessor at RLMO. Blake now helps other men find freedom from addiction through faith in Jesus Christ. Blake is also a husband and father to two beautiful children.

On Mother’s Day – I say a special prayer for every Mom that’s standing in faith for her child/ren. Whether the battle is addiction, or some other life controlling problem nothing is too big for God. Whatever you do don’t give up and don’t stop praying.

Today’s Secret from the Studio: Whatever is happening in your child/ren’s life: Don’t Stop Praying.

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