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Theater Versus Home Blog

Theater VS. Home

Watching a movie in a theater provides an immersive experience that cannot be replicated at home. The large screen, powerful sound system, and comfortable seating in a theater create an atmosphere that allows us to fully engage with the movie. The theater environment draws us into the story, making it easier to become fully engrossed…
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Theater Versus Home Blog

Theater VS. Home

Watching a movie in a theater provides an immersive experience that cannot be replicated at home. The large screen, powerful sound system, and comfortable seating in a theater create an…

Pickin’ Mama Flowers

One of Charlie’s favorite things to do is pick flowers. From the moment he could walk and play outside, we have been picking flowers. He will ride all over the…

She Didn’t Stop Praying

She Didn’t Stop Praying She was nervous about being a guest on Bridges, but agreed to share her story with the hope that it would encourage other Moms. Mary’s “mom”…

More Than a Ticket to Heaven

The purpose for salvation is more than a ticket to Heaven. It is intimacy with God. It is getting to know Him and love Him – He who first loved us (1 John…

One of Those Days

Ever have one of “those” days? Before you answer, wait until you know what I mean. March 10, 2012 was one of “those” days for me. When a couple suffers…

A Healthier 2024

The most popular New Year’s Resolution for 2024 was “improved fitness” (source – Forbes Health). But multiple research studies show that sticking to a resolution lasts an average of less than…


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