2020 Nepal Update
As you can imagine 2020 was a difficult year for those that live in a 3rd world country. For Nepal, their main source of income is tourism and as we all know that came to a grinding halt. The other thing that they so depend on is an international supply chain which was greatly curtailed (because of closed borders) causing food, water and supplies to diminish quickly with 30 millions residents.
Because of God’s faithfulness and our wonderful donor’s we did not lack anything in providing for those entrusted into our care.
All of our children are doing great! Only 1 child contracted the virus and he recovered well.
They had several months off of school, but adjusted to doing remote learning. We invested in purchasing 4 computers so that our high schoolers can continue to do online classes. The younger students went back to in-person learning at the end of the year.
In December, our manager thought is was important to celebrate Christmas with those that have graduated the home and are now adults and make sure that they were all doing well and staying healthy. They had a special dinner and shared about their lives. We found out that some of them were struggling financially because of losses of jobs. We were able to bless them where needed. Our younger ones also enjoyed their own Christmas celebration.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support.