The last week of March we traveled to Nepal to visit the kids for 2 weeks.
Here are some highlights from our trip:
* We had a sponsor donate so we could take them up into the mountains and stay at a resort for 2 nights. They loved it! Most of them have never stayed in a hotel before. We played endless hours of Uno, outdoor games, Worship and devotion times, and hiking.

* Another day, we went shopping for some school supplies. Our team visited a small preschool in a little village. We were able to give away towels and toothbrushes that we had brought with us and donate the school supplies to the school.

* One of the days we had so much fun with the kids, we had brought puzzles, coloring books, crayons, water color paints and other fun things that a donor had bought for us, we played, watched a movie and had a huge feast of fried chicken and other delicious food.

* One special evening we had a reunion dinner with 9 of the 13, now adults that have graduated the home and are living on their own. We had so much fun listening to where they are now in life.

Here is a brief description of some of the paths that their lives have taken:
- One of them owns his own coffee shop
- One of the girls is now a teacher in the very school that she attended when she lived in the home
- One of the girls was leaving the next day to do an internship in Germany for her culinary degree
- One of the young men had graduated college with a business degree and was leaving the following month to go to Bible school in India.
- Our first college graduate (who is now 26 years old) is a chef in a hotel
This is why we do what we do, provide for them, love on them, give them an education so that they can impact THEIR world and they are definitely doing that!
We are so proud of each one of them.
Thank you so much for all of your prayers and support of this international outreach of Christian Television Network.