In 2018 we are celebrating 15 years of Children’s Home of Love!
When my mom and I traveled to Kathmandu in 2003 to open Children’s Home of Love with 10 children, there was no way to know how God was going to use it.
Today we can say we have a thriving Boys and Girls home. The home has been able to be a family to 33 children from when they have been small to adulthood. We have had 2 graduate from college and we currently have 9 in college who are doing wonderful with their education and many of them working as well. Over the years, we have also had 8 grow up in the home and are now thriving in adulthood working, taking care of their extended families in their own villages and in some cases finishing their higher education.
Brian and I had the privilege of celebrating Christmas with them in December 2017. Because of donations, we were able to purchase 15 new mattresses, 18 blankets/bedspreads with covers (so that they are easy to wash), and 27 pillows and pillow cases. What I love about this is that the old mattresses, blankets and pillows that were still usable, got distributed to some very poor areas up in other villages. Our older boys and staff had a wonderful time loving on people and giving them these much needed items along with outgrown clothes and other things. Our kids know that God has blessed them and they have such a heart to minister God’s love to other people- and YOU were a part of that.
We also shopped for Christmas items. The children told us if they needed jackets or shoes and we went shopping for 27 kids! That was quite the adventure, the real miracle is that we only had to take back 1 coat and 1 pair of shoes that needed a size change~ we were quite pleased with our shopping ability, especially since we were shopping for 2nd graders all the way to adults! Because of your generous giving we were also able to get each child a gift bag with some fun items such as perfume/cologne, treats and other little things, they were so surprised. We were also able to purchase 3 shopping carts full of yearly supplies such as: shampoo, deodorant, lotion, soap, toothpaste, cleaning supplies, etc.
We had a big Christmas party with tons of food, singing, and even a roaring firepit to help with the chilly temps (low 50’s). We also had 1 night with a pizza party, devotions and worship time. We love hearing our older kids play guitars and listening to all of their sweet voices worship the Lord in such a passionate way. We visited the new school that they moved to this year, met the principle and had a fun tour visiting all of the classrooms that 15 of our kids are in. They were so cute when they saw us show up at their door. We also got to watch our older boys play a very impressive, intense game of soccer, they are quite talented and we loved seeing them in their Children’s Home of Love jersey’s that we had made for them last year.
One of the other favorite things that Brian and I get to do is present our older kids, getting ready to graduate from high school, with their very own adult study Bible. We were able to give out 4 this year (That makes a total of 20). They are always so excited to receive these because they know this means they are transitioning into adults.
Thank you for your continued support and prayers to keep this powerful ministry of CTN moving forward.